We’ve known
for 30 years that London’s Victorian sewerage network required serious upgrade.
Combined with EU legislation and a smattering of free market dogma, this fact justified
the industry’s costly (£5bn) privatisation in 1989 with taxpayers writing off the debt needed to make our water utilities
suitably attractive.
Although compliance
with the Urban Waste Water Directive was meant to be achieved by 1998, the UK
has spent 14 years avoiding unlimited fines via infraction proceedings due to 39
million tonnes of shitty water spilling into the River Thames every year - half
of which was picked up by the Lee Tunnel in time for the Olympics, at a cost of
only £635m.
Thames Water
has been working with the Environment Agency since 2000 to deliver our EU Directive-complying
future and apparently the answer is a second, 32km tunnel costing £4.6bn at
2011 prices.
Of the £5m ‘strategic
study’ budget that helped reach this conclusion only £12k was allocated to examine options for sustainable urban
drainage (SUDs) with no consideration
given to the possibility of a hybrid scheme, contrary to the findings of the
Ofwat commissioned Independent Review carried out by Jacobs Babtie in 2006.
This was only
one issue raised by the Thames Tunnel Commission set up by five London
Borough’s whose million plus residents will not only pay an additional £80-£120
per year forever on top of their
existing water bills - along with every other Thames Water customer - but who
can also look forward to a decade of construction and the destruction of local
amenity space and property values should the preferred option get its rubber
Despite the Jacobs
Babtie review, despite completion of the Lee Tunnel and despite no scientifically
definitive assessment to support their position, the Environment Agency is of
the opinion that alternatives to the 32km tunnel are ‘too difficult’.
Instead we’re
creating such a money making bonanza with our taxpayer guaranteed shit chute
that both Chinese and Abu Dhabi’s sovereign wealth funds have acquired a slice
of the action, safe in the knowledge that Thames Water customers will foot the
bill while the risk is underwritten via Osborne’s ‘infrastructure guarantee scheme’
– surely missing the point of either private ‘investment’ or privatisation,
The truth is
that building this infrastructure will enrich a debt laden non-taxpaying Thames
Water’s private equity owners, effectively rewarding the company’s £8bn debt burden
and pisspoor performance. Despite meeting Ofwat targets, Thames Water still
tops the national leak table, pissing away 665 million litres a day, enough water
to fill Wembley Stadium every 36 hours.
But the
greater scandal is that a £4.6bn shit chute isn’t needed, at least not in the ‘preferred
option’ state promoted by Thames Water and our watch-poodle Environment Agency.
While the latter claim to take an ‘evidence based approach’ to decision-making,
the Commission “call[ed] into question
the scientific rigour and validity of the[ir] whole assessment exercise” in relation to the combined
sewage overflows (CSO’s) used to justify their support for Thames Water’s ‘gold
plated’ turd tunnel.
One senior Agency
manager in the London Team responsible for overseeing the Thames Water-led plan
went so far as telling a junior colleague that “we are not to get into any analysis or debate on the impact SUDs may
have on the proposed Tideway improvements or other CSO's not picked up by the
Tunnels”. Why are Environment Agency managers so keen to avoid ‘analysis or
obtained via a Freedom of Information request shows the Environment Agency
Pension Fund holding direct assets in Macquarie Group prior to and for two
years after RWE sold Thames Water in 2006. While these direct asset holdings
were effectively dumped two years after the acquisition, the Environment Agency
is now clueless with regards its pension funds indirect investments in
Macquarie Group, helpfully stating that they, ‘are unable to provide information about indirect investments made in
Macquarie Group on behalf of the EAPF as neither we nor our global custodian
hold information or have access to the detailed holdings in the underlying
pooled funds.’
While the
Environment Agency Pension Fund’s interest in Macquarie Group could be entirely
innocuous it brings into focus the close relationship between government
departments and private utility owners.
The fact that
Thames Water pay for at least one full time Environment Agency salary in
support of their project appears to serve no discernable business function
beyond mutual back scratching.
Potential conflicts
of interest aside, the Commission’s findings suggest a hybrid scheme, as
described in the Jacobs Babtie review, could not only solve the crap crisis at
less cost but would be more comprehensive in tackling the problem at source, helping to ensure London copes
with increased flood risk and drought.
The Environment
Agency had a duty to ensure that every option was adequately defined and tested
at the feasibility stage but instead squandered the opportunity based on crude
assumptions of ‘difficulty’ and a pisspoor
assessment of the problem.
But as we
have seen with political lobbying elsewhere, increasingly cash strapped
government departments will dance to whatever tune is played by their paymasters
and Environment Agency support for the Thames Tunnel is perhaps no exception.
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